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Innovation rule #5: Don’t fight gravity

December 16, 2008

I can’t tell you how many times, as a marketer, I’ve heard discussions that start with “how can we get consumers to…” Usually those sentences end with a desire on the part of the company to have consumers change in some way that is clearly beneficial to the company but of dubious benefit to the […]

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Gravity usually wins

June 5, 2008

There are so many things we do in business and in our personal lives that are just attempts to fight gravity. On the personal side, we try to change the people we’re with. Now I’m not saying that people don’t ever change. But you’ve got to be clear about changes that are fundamental and those […]

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Accountable employees in two easy steps!!!

February 28, 2012

Everyone else seems to be writing blog posts with these formulaic approaches to complex problems and I was feeling left out… Alright, on to substance. Business leaders care a great deal about holding their employees accountable. Or, at least, they say they do. If you’re ever at a corporate offsite and you hear the words […]

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Do you really need a target?

February 4, 2010

Below is the text of my recent post at the CPG Branding & Marketing Forum: It is Marketing 101 gospel that you must have a customer target to position a brand or its offerings. Target is one of the four pillars of classical positioning alongside frame of reference, benefit and reasons to believe. But I’m […]

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Preying on impulses

December 31, 2008

Marketers spend quite a bit of time thinking about how to encourage impulse buying. In a sense, trying to encourage impulse buying is a form of gravity fighting. You’re trying to get people to do something that they didn’t really want to do. [See my earlier posts on the folly of gravity fighting.] […]

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