Posts tagged as:


Principles for creating change at scale

May 30, 2012

Change is essential to the continued vitality of humanity and our institutions. Yet it can be so difficult for people to change. Even when we know we need to change, we often find it so difficult to let go of what we are, what we believe, what we do, and what we have. This is […]

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The world isn’t changing

January 19, 2012

So many articles and blog posts written to get people to do something different or differently, begin with the same conceit: the world is changing and we better get on board. I’ve made this argument myself more times than I care to count. It seems obvious and yet so many people refuse to change. The […]

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Be the someone else

January 16, 2012

There are many reasons why we don’t act to make our world better. One of them is the belief that someone else will do it. Someone else will give up their seat to the pregnant woman. Someone else will help that elderly man pick up the bag he dropped. Someone else will allow that car […]

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Leadership changes the world

November 14, 2011

People do not need to be led to where they’ve already been. But they do need people to show them new places, new ideas, new possibilities, etc. And so, every act of leadership is an act of changing the world. If you’re not changing the world in some way, you are not leading.

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Innovation diversity

December 15, 2009

I really love whitespace/revolutionary/disruptive innovation. I just dig it. Typical line extensions just don’t quite do it for me. But that’s a personal preference. It doesn’t reflect the totality of my opinion on how companies ought to manage their innovation efforts. In fact, I have written of the need to pursue both revolutionary and evolutionary […]

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We can change the world

April 9, 2008

The world is going to change. This is a certainty. And it will change in an unsentimental fashion with no concern for your deeply help beliefs or assumptions. Sitting astride history and shouting “stop” is simply childish. You have only two real options: 1) Let the change happen as it happens. Guided by randomness and/or […]

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The corrupt calculus of cannibalization

March 24, 2008

There is something seriously wrong about the way that new business opportunities are evaluated. We always look at cannibalization and incrementality. That is, how much of the new business is truly incremental to the existing business as opposed to simply replacing existing sales. The cannibalized portion is subtracted off of the total sales to yield […]

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