Boycott Movies!

May 12, 2008

Movies have just gotten too damn expensive. I’m really tired of paying so much to finance the ridiculously lavish lifestyles of the Hollwood elite. Enough is enough. Let’s all stop going to the movies for one month.

UPDATE: OK, a friend pointed out that maybe the post above is too terse. [Thanks for the feedback.] So let me elaborate.

The movie industry needs us viewers to go to the theaters, buy DVDs, watch their offerings on cable, etc. in order to make money. Going out to the movies should be the great equalizer in America. Let’s face it, not everyone can afford to go to the opera or a Broadway show. And not everyone wants to. But we should all be able to enjoy at least lowbrow movies without feeling it financially. I’m tired of ticket prices going up and up. Especially when the quality of my experience has not increased.

And to top it off, the studios are paying many millions to stars who really don’t need all that money.

So, I propose that we remind the movie industry that at some point, prices are too high and demand falls. I suspect a one month boycott of movie theaters would be a good kick in the pants.

Now who’s with me? (I feel like John Belushi now…)

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