Go “off plan”

April 12, 2010

Many of us had an idea of what our lives might be like in the future. Personally and professionally. I think we need to create and nurture this story about our future. It helps us focus ourselves today, knowing where we are headed. And it comforts us to know that we have a future. Even if that future isn’t so bright, at least we are not operating in the dark.

I don’t think we ought to rid ourselves of these stories. But I do think we need to be much more flexible and open to re-writing them as we go. It is hard to let go of that story and that plan. It feels like we will drift forever with no control. But the reality is that we have very little control anyway. Our plans are only as good as the assumptions they were based on. But we live in a world that is far more dynamic than it was in years past. When the world changes, the plans must change. Fighting to stay on a course that is no longer relevant is futile and can lead only to frustration.

This isn’t easy. I am in the midst of this personally and professionally. I did not intend to get divorced. I did not intend to get laid off. But those things have happened. Mostly, I am very upbeat about these changes. I recognize the tremendous opportunity to craft a new life for myself. A better life. I recognize that I cannot control the universe. The best I can do is to try and make sense of my environment, get a handle on how I think the future will unfold and move forward in the most sensible way. In my better moments I am tremendously happy with the good that I have in my life today and with my vision for a happier tomorrow. In my worst moments, I am fearful that I won’t figure it all out.

I still don’t know how my life will unfold. But I am trying new things and opening myself up to what the world may have in store for me. And all I can say to you if you are in a similar situation is to let go. Be open to the world you live in because the world you used to live does not exist anymore. There is a better life out there. So make a new plan. And another…

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