It really is black or white

August 27, 2010

I love complexity. I really do. The ins and outs of an argument. The subtle differences. It’s like catnip for me. Even now as I write this, I’m getting the shivers.

But apart from the world of ideas, life is black or white. You either will or will not spend a particular dollar or minute of your life. And if you spend it, you either will or will not spend it on this. Whatever “this” is.

That’s it. You can trot out all the fancy theory you like. I’ll enjoy it with you. But after we enjoy it, you’ll still have to make the decision. Do you act or do you not act. You can hedge your bets as much as you like. But, like I said, you’ve got to make a black or white decision for each dollar and each minute.

Sorry, there’s no grey for you to hide behind.

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anonymous syp-er September 14, 2010 at 8:18 PM

thank you for writing this article. i’ve been saying this to my friends for YEARS!! i don’t believe living in the the grey.


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