The lack of clarity penalty

September 14, 2010

It’s extremely difficult to figure out what the hell you mean. It’s even tougher to get someone else to understand what the hell you mean.

Both are worth doing well.

Lack of clarity at the outset of a project will cost you dearly later on. More often than not, I’ve seen people sweep their lack of clarity under the rug. They use vague terms or jargon to hide the fact that they’re not really sure what they mean. And when they communicate with others, that lack of clarity is magnified. Over time, you can find yourself miles away from your intended target.

This is worth getting right the first time. Really question yourself. Have other people question you. If you can’t easily explain what you mean then you don’t understand it yet yourself. Take the time to get it right or you will pay the lack of clarity penalty later. With interest.

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