Cab driver marketing

December 15, 2010

I was lazy this morning and took a taxi to work. It cost me a bit extra but it was worth the lesson.

I paid the driver and left a pretty good tip. Not extravagant but good. And as I was getting out of the car, the driver thanked me. It got me thinking. The odds of me ever seeing that driver again are tiny. He will almost definitely never get my business again and there’s really nothing he can do about it.

So why thank me?

Well obviously there’s a natural human tendency to be gracious and polite. But I think there’s an additional idea here worth considering. That driver is part of a system. The cab system. It includes all of the drivers, their cars and all passengers and potential passengers. (There are undoubtedly other elements of this system but let’s keep it simple for now.) When one driver behaves remarkably, it changes the perception that passengers have of cab drivers. One brief interaction does not a PR makeover make, but it creates a tiny ripple. The more this happens, the bigger the ripples. If enough drivers act in an especially courteous or professional manner, the perception of their profession and the service they offer will be elevated. An enlightened cab driver understands that he benefits if the system improves.

We all play a role in similar human systems. Which systems are you in? Do you positively contribute to their well-being even when there is no chance of a direct benefit?

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