Would you take the pill?

October 17, 2011

What if there was a pill you could take that would give you the feelings of being in a fully loving relationship? It wouldn’t actually change whether you had a partner who loved you but it would make you feel loved.

Or what if you could take a pill that would give you the feeling of accomplishment? The thrill and satisfaction of having done something well. Of having contributed your talents to something meaningful.

I wouldn’t take the pill.

The humanity of love and achievement comes from a journey fraught with danger. One where there are surprises, upsets, unexpected challenges and actually working successfully to navigate to a desired time and place.

I hate winning at pool because my opponent scratches on the 8 ball. I feel like I’ve been robbed of the opportunity to win with my skill. Instead, I’ve just been in the right place at the right time while someone screws up.

It’s not just about the end state to me. It’s about the scars I got along the way and having fought through the rough patches.

How about you?

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