Are you changing the world?

August 28, 2010

Why are we here? What is the point of human existence? Big questions. And I do not want to get into these issues in all of their depth right now. But one thought recently occurred to me. Somehow, we ought to try and change the world. Hopefully for the better.

This isn’t about our legacy. That’s a self-centered concept designed to make people feel less afraid about dying.

It’s about creating a better world – and a better self.

I simply cannot accept that we’re here to consume resources and excrete waste. Nor can I accept that we’re here to produce wonderful children. That only begs the question of why our children are here.

So how should we spend our time?

It seems to me that we ought to try and change the world somehow. That can be in a big way like Martin Luther King or Jonas Salk… But more likely it will be in a small way. Having a conversation with someone that helps them see something in a totally new way. Developing a new way of dealing with task X at your job.

I still don’t feel qualified to answer the “why are we here” question. But I think if we orient our actions to trying to change the world for the better, that our lives are more likely to have purpose and meaning.

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marcisegal August 29, 2010 at 7:40 AM

Thanks for this morning’s inspiration Adam. Big question, purpose.

Your post reminded me that little decisions we make everyday influence the future. Do I buy local produce or those flown in from a different country? Each decision as small as it may seem influences the kind of future we want to support.

If I buy local, the transportation efforts are smaller than if I buy from a country across an ocean or two. If everyone bought locally, what influence might that have on trade, food production, use of fuel?

Yup, small decisions. Sometimes they are easier to handle than the big one’s, like life’s purpose.

I like the idea of using the following phrase when all seems too overwhelming: What’s one small thing I can do, that if everyone did it, the world would be a better place? Then I go ahead and do it.


marcisegal August 29, 2010 at 7:46 AM

One other consideration…

World Creativity and Innovation Week occurs each April 15 – 21. Wouldn’t it be interesting if people used that time to take a step forward for positively influencing the future they want to have? The purpose of WCIW is to encourage and engage people in using their creativity (new ideas and new decisions) to make the world a better place and to make their place in the world better too, without causing harm.

Nice to have a target date that’s shared with people in over 40 countries, eh? Imagine the difference that could be made.


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