Never Stop Marketing

April 15, 2011

A long overdue bit of homage to my friend Jeremy. He runs a company called Never Stop Marketing (well, he pretty much is the company). I don’t agree with everything he says and he’d probably slap me if I did. But I like the way he thinks. And I like the way he advocates for his ideas.

Below is a link to one of his recent posts. I think it is spot on! His basic premise is that you need to constantly market – that everything you do should be a marketing activity. Not in a sleazy self-promoting kind of way, but in an authentic way. Everything should be a reflection of your brand.

I agree. I look through a different lens, but I totally agree. We all need to be ourselves. At all times. That doesn’t mean you behave the same in all places. I think people ought to stay silent in bars and shout a lot in libraries but their silence and shouting need to be authentically them – in both venues. We speak differently to our children than to our spouses. That’s OK so long as we are authentically ourselves always. When we are, we are marketing. We are a living demonstration of our personal brand. The same is true for business brands of course.

So kudos to Jeremy for making this point and really standing up for authenticity. It’s refreshing.

Check out Jeremy’s blog post here.

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